A quote from Max Lucado

​We hang our hat and stake our hope on the gladdest news of all: if God permits the challenge, He will provide grace to meet it.#GRACEthebook

The Green Tunnel

Known as the most beautiful street in the world, the Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho in Porto Alegre, Brazil is like a bit of rainforest in the middle of a metropolis. Formed by over 100 tipuana trees lining both sides of the street with serpentine branches creating a canopy overhead, the “Green Tunnel” stretches for approximately 500 meters (over 1,500 feet) through the middle of the city. 

Originally planted in the 1930s by German workers employed at a local brewery, the stretch of trees was at risk for destruction in 2005 to make room for a shopping mall, but residents fought to protect the natural wonder, which has now been classified as an environmental heritage site.

Reblogged from PictureCorrect