Stop and smell the flowers

It’s not every day you bump into someone with the title of Snail Photographer. Vyacheslav Mishchenko is a macro enthusiast with an eye for land dwelling gastropods. Take a look at the adorable image below which is just one of many from Mishchenko’s charming portfolio:


Mishchenko also has a penchant for capturing fascinating images of other creatures like frogs, lizards, and butterflies.

“I photograph all insects but snails have touched my heart particularly. I think that snails are simply extraordinary not only in their shape and form but also in their beauty and behavior. They are magic creatures for me. I think they catch the attention of many people, not just mine.”

As far as shooting, he says he never moves the animals for a photograph. He maintains that everything he photographs actually exists in nature and attributes a lot of his success to being in the right place at the right time.

Reblogged from PictureCorrect

Everybody smile


Camels have been missing out on the selfie game all this time—until now. Photographer Hossam Antikka snapped this selfie with his friends in Perkash in Giza, Egypt, not knowing that the happy ungulate took the opportunity to flash his toothy smile for the camera.  Antikka and his friends spent some time feeding the camel and giving it affection before snapping the selfie. The camel obviously wanted to show its gratitude to the photographer and his friends. Antikka posted the photo late one night only to wake up and find that the camel selfie, or camelfie, had become an Internet success.

Picture Credit: PictureCorrect